We care about your hair, but we also care about your nervous system, your life, and YOU as an entire person, having a human experience. We share about our life, connect with you, and even create magical music for you to vibe your life to, called Zackground Tracks (Available on Spotify and iTunes, and in the menu of this website!)

We truly just want to share all the things we love with you - magical potions, family love, a lot of sleeping dog videos, very loud drums, astrology, what the F the moon is doing today, our favorite Office quotes, and ALLLLLLL the existential thoughts. We are just happy to have met you and have you be a part of this magical space with us.

If you would like to join the WitchyFam, we welcome you with open arms and dogs. Give our Magic a try, and let me know what you think! Post any pictures to your Instagram (#witchiloveyourhair) and we get to see you + connect with you even more! This witchyfam has become one of the biggest blessings in our life, with everyone who is a part of it — including you, if you’re reading this!!

1 product

1 product